Tuesday, September 02, 2008

August 29, 2008

Today is a new day and with it renewed strength from Above.

As a parent you are always second guessing yourself and your abilities to parent and I sure have lately. I always question whether I’m handling a situation correctly and fairly. The last several days have been really rough around here. We have been dealing with Kristofer acting out and the little ones are constant crying over food. It really wears you out emotionally, mentally and then physically. I have been wondering when the mother was going to show up and take over. Haha

Through this time I have been praying for God to help me and give me strength, but I have not been taking the time to read the bible and get spiritually filled. Mind you, all through the adoption I was always reading the Bible and asking God to give me a sign. A sign to let me know if this is what we were supposed to do, sign that my children were safe, and a sign we might be traveling soon. He did provide all the signs I asked for and now after I get home I’m trying to handle it all myself instead of relying on God like I had been through the adoption. Silly me.

Last night I picked up my Women’s Devotional Bible 2 and started reading the next devotional from where I had left off before the adoption was complete. It was a holy smack down for me. The title was I Am Chosen. In John 15:16 Jesus states, “You did not choose me, but I chose you”
It also goes on about the prophet Samuel going to the house of Jesse and choosing one of his sons’s to be king. That son was David the most unlikely person of all. Imagine little David going up against Goliath. David by himself did not kill Goliath, but God with him. David knew whatever God chooses you to do He will equip you to do and David knew the battle was the Lords.
This is my verse that is getting me through today. God has chosen me to be these boys mother and he will be with me through this trying time.

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

If you are struggling with something hold on to this verse. God is with you and will give you strength.

1 comment:

Heather Brandt said...

Thanks for sharing your insight and the Bible passage! I am struggling right now with the wait...families who went 1 or 2 months before us still haven't received their Petitions nor have we and I'm getting anxious that we might not get to return this year for our son. Thanks for reminding me that God will give me strength for this wait...

I'm praying for you,
