Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 17, 2008

Today we went to Logan's birthday party at a place called Snappers and the kids had a blast. They had the big blow up slides, trampoline with budgie cords, and lots of other fun things.
Happy Birthday Logan and thanks for inviting us.

(Logan and Sasha were in the same room in their orphanage together. Logan came home a couple of weeks before Sasha.)

Logan and Kristofer had a ball on the trampoline.

Kristofer really enjoyed the huge jungle gym with the fastest slides ever!

It took Sasha a while to get on the blowup slide, but after seeing everyone else having so much fun he had to join in.

Igor got very tired and had to have a thumb break.

Sasha discovered himself in the mirror and had fun making faces at himself.

Love those books.

Sasha did a great job stacking the blocks.


lmshepar1 said...

I'm so glad that you guys were able to share the day with us! We had so much fun just spending time with all our family and friends.

Sarah said...

Hi! I have been lurking on here now and again . . . how fun to see how ALL those boys are growing--thanks for posting all those pics! :)