Wednesday, August 18, 2010

He thinks I'm squishy.

Kristofer woke up to go to the bathroom this evening and when he came out I carried him back to his room. He snuggled into me and was rubbing his hands on my upper arms and said, "Mama, you are so lovable because you are squishy and cold, and warm, and squishy and just nice to love on." My heart just melted. Who knew that being called squishy could be such a compliment?

In the past few weeks I have noticed some some real progress with Kristofer and his attachment to me. He is smiling at me more, having less disrespectful talk, reaching out for love and affection, and opening up and talking to me.

Before his brothers came home, I believe he was very attached, but in the course of trying to help his brothers attach his emotional needs were not being met. This caused us to have some detachment in our relationship. I am so thankful things are on the mend and I am thrilled to have my lovable boy back.

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