Monday, November 29, 2010

First Day of Homeschool

We have decided to homeschool Kristofer and our decision to homeschool was not taken lightly. In fact, as a former homeschooler I had no desire to put the burden of my children's education on my shoulders. Seriously, I have enough on there just trying to raise them right.

However, as the school year has progressed we are noticing the lack of family time and as a result there are unpleasant behaviors. When a child is needing attention they will get it however even if it means using a negative approach.

A few things I have read along the way was Arleta James' blog post about schooling, Christine'sblog post about unschooling and this article about socialization.

For our curriculum I am using what the school gave me that we had already paid for. It covers math, spelling and language arts and for everything else we are using books from the library. In first grade it is all about making it fun and hands on.

After one day of homeschooling I am so happy with our decision and can't wait to see where this leads us.


cara said...

you know your family your family the best - trust your gut!

Jennifer said...

Thanks Cara! It is leading me well so far.