Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Homeschooling Day 2

Today was another good day of homeschooling. Kristofer started on his work right away and was done at 8:30am. He thinks it is so cool he gets done long before the kids at school get out.

It is amazing to me how much I can visibly see that his stress is reduced. It is like he is a different kid. He is very loving and kind and reaching out for affection instead of pushing me away.

The boys had a good time practicing team work while playing Lincoln Logs. Some things you can't learn in a text book.


Mama Drama Times Two said...

Good for you making the homeschooling choice. The smile and enthusiasm the kids bring to the learning is affirmation knowing you did the right thing! Home schooling is not really an option for foster kids in our state - sadly, as many of the kids in our home could benefit from the additional attention and individualized learning opportunities that homeschooling brings. Do you follow Bakers Dozen? She homeschools her clan.

Jennifer said...

If we could just change the little things like this in the system think of how much better it could be. Sigh...

I don't follow Bakers Dozen, but I will check it out. Thank for passing it along.