January 27, 2009Happy Birthday to me!
The weather was predicting snow on my birthday so my only wish was to wake up to a winter wonderland. All I have to say is, "Be careful what you wish for!!!"
We had about an inch of ice, several inches of snow and and about another inch of ice on top of that. It reminded me of Narnia and it was so beautiful. It would have been even more enjoyable if the power had stayed on.

Kristofer could not get outside fast enough to play in the snow.

London/Sasha: "What is this thing I'm in and I have to go where?"

The crew outside while mama was nice and toasty inside.

Kelly and Kristofer had to show Kolton and London how to crawl in the snow because their suits were too bulky and they fell.

One very cold and miserable London/Sasha.

Since the power was off we bundled them with extra blankets. They slept well and were snug as bugs in rugs.

The best part was the next night. The temperature had dropped enough we could not sleep in our beds so we got to go camping in the basement. I wish I had a picture of it, but I totally spaced it out.
Our basement is semi finished meaning the walls are up but the the floor is just concrete and the bathroom has plumbing, but it is just an empty room. We have a fireplace and we have some couches set up down there. We added a mattress for the little boys and me to sleep on. Kristofer slept on the small couch and Kelly slept on the large couch.
The boys had a grand time running around and playing with toys they had never played with before. We keep all the extra toys downstairs and rotate them upstairs so the boys are not overwhelmed and it keeps them interested in playing with them.
We stayed toasty warm because Kelly was up every 90 minutes adding wood to the fire. The next morning Kristofer was telling us how much fun he had. It will be a great memory for all of us...Maybe we will "camp out" down there more often just for the fun of it?