Kristofer had a behavioral blow up last night and what it came down to was not being able to spend much time with mommy.
I try every day, when he gets home from school, to be attentive to him, but one of his brothers works his hardest to not let it happen. Said brother will throw a fit, and you might think it is easy to blow off, but he screams in our ears, destroys the house, or tries to run outside which of course puts the attention on him.
Arleta's blog post explains why this happens with said brother.
I decided to make a special date with Kristofer tonight so I wrote him a note.
When he got home I sent him to the mailbox to get it and he was so excited. After he read it we had this conversation:
K: Mommy, what is a date?
Me: A date is when you go do something together. Like papa and I will go to dinner or a movie by ourselves.
K: Oh, so are we going to go to dinner together and that is a date.
Me: Yes.
Kristofer was so sweet to me for the rest of the day and open for hugs, loves and kisses.
We went to our favorite restaurant and had a good time together. Kristofer opened up to me about school and we had some good conversations. It was really sweet because he opened the doors for me and held my hand. He has a hold of my heart pretty tight. Sigh...