Wednesday, July 02, 2008

This morning we went to visit "S" first. When we first took him he fussed a little and then went very still. Soon caregivers started walking past and talking to him. He kept wanting to go with them, but we kept him with us. After a bit he opened up and started playing with the toys we brought. He really liked to bang the cups together. We did get some smiles out of him.

His little roommates came out and went into a gazebo to play with the caregivers. We walked over and let "S" talk and play with the caregiver for a bit. We got some good video of his caregiver singing a song and "S" doing the hand motions. It was cute.

We went to see "I" this afternoon. We were hoping his group would come out and play with us, but they headed to a different part of the orphanage grounds to play. "I" was very stiff and plastered against us at first. We tried to get him to play, but it was not working so we just held him and let him get used to us for a bit.

Kelly started tickling his belly and that got a smidgen of a smile out of him. We had him walk back and forth between us and that helped too. I sat down on the carpet, with him sitting against my legs, and got out the toys. He liked to bang the cups together and try to stack them. We started stacking them and showing him how to kick them over. Eventually, I moved back just a bit and he turned to see where I was going, but was OK with not leaning against me anymore.

Soon the older kids came out and they were a hoot, but they broke my heart too. Some of them saw us and ran the other way, others cautiously approached. I had bubbles I was blowing and they loved chasing them. It was sad how the children had to fend for themselves because the caregivers could not keep their eyes on all of them at once. A couple of the boys were going around hitting the other children. A little bit later the one that got hit would sneak up behind the hitter and give him a good whack! It breaks my heart to see all of them there needing mommies and daddies.

One little boy was hitting and pushing for attention. I thought he was just naughty and would fit some of Dr. Federici's Dx's to a T. It broke my heart though because at one point he fell down and started crying. A caregiver came over to him, sat him on his feet, but did not pick him up. He fell back on the floor kicking and screaming. As soon as she picked him up and gave him some attention he was fine. I wanted to take him home and "fix" him and love him.

I fell in love with so many children today and it breaks my heart I can not take them home with me. As good and as nice as the orphanage is, it is just no place for children to live.

Tomorrow we will be checking out of our hotel and going to court at 10am. After that we will do a little paperwork and head to the airport and back to Moscow. I do not know if we will have internet access at our hotel we are staying at tomorrow, but we will post again as soon as we are able.


Tasha Lehman said...

Hearing about all those kids in the orphanage makes me want to get on a plane and bust them out with ya! Have a sfae trip home!

Matt and Carla Morgan said...

I'm glad you're having a good visit with your kiddos. I hope your court experience was a good one.
