Tuesday, July 15, 2008

We went shopping yesterday to try and find things for the boys. It proved to be a difficult task as none of the stores had anything in stock. They all said they were getting ready to put in their orders because people would be shopping for school soon. Larissa called the orphanages and let them know our luggage had been lost and we needed the boys dressed and their shoes too. They also provided us with extra shirts. We were so thankful the orphanages helped us out. We are able to find hats, but Igor’s is a tad tight.

The boys did very well on the flight to Moscow . I had Igor and he slept the whole flight. Kelly had Sasha and he shared his lunch with him so Sasha is very attached to Kelly. It is funny when Sasha cries he only wants Kelly and when Igor cries he only wants me. It is nice that they are both getting attached and not just to one parent.

Jane picked us up from the airport and took us to our hotel. We fed the boys dinner and put them to bed. They were both asleep in under 5 minutes and slept mostly through the night. Sasha woke up at about 5pm and then at almost 7am. At about 7:30 we woke up Igor because the doctor was coming to check them out for our Embassy paperwork.

The doctor did come and he is the same doctor that inspected Kristofer in 2004. He said he remembered our family name and we showed him pictures of Kristofer. He said he has had one family adopting over 16 kids and they had told him it was addicting. We have to agree. He said, “Maybe I will see you again?” and we said, “Maybe?” Doctor Boris said both boys were fit. I was a little concerned about a rash Igor has, but he said it is heat rash. His rickets causes him to sweat which causes the heat rash. The rickets should clear up as soon as we start giving him vitamin D milk and getting him into the sunshine.

It seems when the boys get a little fussy and clingy we just feed them and then it is like magic. They sit on the floor and play and talk. We had left little photo albums for them between our trips and they love to look at them. Igor says, mama, papa and ba. We are fairly certain the “ba” is his way of saying “brat” which is brother in Russian.

At noon we all took a nap and slept just over 4 hours. After we fed the boys a snack we took them for a walk down to Red Square and St. Basil’s. It was pretty comical. We had both boys in a stroller for one. They didn’t like it too much, but as long as we were moving they didn’t fuss. Sasha does not like Igor touching him. We fed the boys dinner at Red Square and then came back to the hotel. We gave them a quick rinse off bath and they cried. They do not like taking baths. We put their clothes back on them and put them to bed. We had asked Jane about buying some P.J’s for them and she said they are hard to find unless you want to pay $100 for them. We said, “No thanks. They can sleep in their clothes.”

Tomorrow we go to the Embassy!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Although I know it was frustrating not having your things - the orphange clothes will be a nice keepsake for the boys. Looking back, I wish I had asked if I could keep one of their hats or something.