We are looking forward to heading back to
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Today we got to spend a little bit of time with each boy before heading to the airport. Ready to know their names? Yeah, it’s a little hard to write about them with using their names so I’ll spill the beans… They are Sasha (short for Alexander) and Igor (pronounced E-grey…roll the R good.) Yes, we do plan to call them by their Russian names, just like Dima, as well as the new names we give them. Their birth mothers named them so we feel it is important to incorporate it into their new life.
We saw Sasha first. Yesterday he cried the whole time we were with him and had a hard time settling down. It was very stressful for him. Today, instead of being in the medical room we got to take him outside. That helped a lot. The orphanage had a little gazebo with toys to play. His favorite thing was the pinecones. They had some stacking buckets so we were able to get a better idea of his gross motor skills. He liked putting the pinecones in the buckets and taking them out again. We gave him a truck to play with, but he kept banging it down on the floor. He liked the sound it made. He did pretty well walking today. He is a little unsteady, but for the most part he does well. Sasha warmed up to Kelly better today. Kelly got to hold him and Sasha did not cry.
Kelly teaching Sasha to give Fives! A must in our home!
I had started reading the book The Connected Child. The books states that when a PI (post institutionalized) child gets stressed they start breathing heavy. I was able to catch it every time Sasha did it and give him a firm open-hand back rub to settle him down. It was cool to see it work. I highlyrecommend the book to all adoptive parents and biological parents for that matter. I think everyone could learn from it. This book was written by Dr. Purvis and another doctor.
Dr. Purvis worked with Dr. Federici with Saving Dane for those of you who remember him talking about that at his seminar. If you use The Connected Child by Dr Purvis and Help for the Hopeless Child by Dr. Federici I think the transition of a PI child will be so much better. We plan to incorporate principles and practices from both books in the lives of our sons.
After spending time with Sasha we got to go see Igor (E-grey). We also got to take Igor outside. His reaction was a little different. He is a snuggler so he clung to us for a very long time. He had never been outside and the wind was blowing the trees. He was in “shutdown” mode for a while.
We did get him to walk and he walks pretty well too! There were no toys available for us to play with and he did not like the nerf ball or rattle we had brought with us so we did not get to test his gross motor skills like I would have liked. They did have a swing that I put him in and he enjoyed it. I was surprised simply because when we first brought Dima home he hated the swing. Of course, now you can’t get him off of them.
Enjoying the swing.
(It was hard giving him back.)
Both boys are very sweet and I can’t wait to get them home and get them where they need to be developmentally. It breaks my heart to leave them in the orphanage for the next several weeks.
We are hoping to have a court date in the next 3-4 weeks, then we will have 10-15 days to get paperwork done in
Since we are now in
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The boys seem to be well attached to their caregivers. This is good because it means they should attach well to us once we get them home. They are not used to seeing men so Kelly scared them a bit. It was nap time when we went to see the oldests so he fell asleep on my shoulder.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
We will be meeting our boys tomorrow at about 11am with Dr. Lada. They are at different orphanages so we will see one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Can't wait to post about them tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
We went down the the Taverne, a tavern style restaurant in the hotel, and had a wonderful traditional German meal. It was mashed potatoes, sausages and sauerkraut.
Good night to all.
Hello All,
Greeting from Frankfurt
Once we arrived in
On the bright side we are certainly happy we are not trying to travel with 2 children on this flight. United has also compensated 2 tickets for us so maybe we will be able to use them for one of our other trips.
Well, we are now off to dinner. We have had a little fruit cup and Danish many hours ago and are about to fall over.
Love to all!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday May 21, 2008
We got to book our tickets today!!! We will be meeting our boys on the 28th and I can’t wait!
I can’t wait to see if they have dark hair or blonde hair, blue or brown eyes, and if they will be all smiles for us. I can’t wait to hold them and tell them they get to come home and live with us. I can’t wait to tell them about their big brother Kristofer who can’t wait to play with them.
I do know there is potential for us to have to turn down a referral if the medicals do not look good. My heart is a little heavy thinking about it, but I know it is in God’s hands. He knows the children that are right for our family.
Psalm 27:14
Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart; wait, I say, on the Lord.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Well, those plans have now been shot down. We got the call this morning that we will not be traveling until “possibly” next weekend.
This phone call came 15 minutes after I had just gone to the bank and withdrew the brand new money we have to travel with. (If there is so much as a crease or a crinkle it will lower the value.) This was also after a very stressful night last night of going over our travel instructions making sure we had everything. We misread the instructions and thought we had to have a document for this trip. As it turns out it is a document we need for trip 2. (Yes, I am rolling my eyes.)
It was loads of fun trying to explain to Kristofer as well that he did not get to spend the next several nights at Grammy and Pa’s house. He has been asking all day, “Do we get to go to Grammy and Pa’s now?” I have lost count of how many times I have had to explain that plans change and we just have to go with it. Not so easy for a 4-year-old who does not like change.
Our adoption this time around is starting to remind me of the waiting we had to do with Kristofer’s adoption in Ekaterinburg. The only difference is the order of things. Instead of waiting 14 weeks between our trips this time we are doing it before we even meet the children! Aaaaahhhh!!! So frustrating! Nothing like God STILL trying to teach me a little patience. I think I’m hard headed or something. (grin) I will say that the waiting before you meet your child is still FAR easier then waiting between trips after you have met and fallen in love this the child. So, I'll continue to wait...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
May 14, 2008
Today was exciting! We got to RESERVE our flights (but not book them). We should be flying out on Saturday and I am so excited! On the way home we have to spend the night in Frankfurt Germany so we will get to do a little sightseeing. Neither of us has been to Germany before. We're always up for a new adventure!
May 13, 2004
This morning as I was sitting in bible study I just felt a peace that all would work out the coordinating a doctor, our flights and everything else. I just need to give it up and let God handle it once again. I AM NOT IN CONTROL! I have to tell myself this daily!
When I got home I had an email from a doctor saying they were available to travel to Rostov with us. Whew, what a relief. God really is in control.
May 12, 2008
Today I tried to email a few doctors in Moscow. We need them to come to the orphanage with us to check the health of our children. One responded that she can’t come and the others have yet to email me. I am a little concerned no one will have their schedule open to accommodate us. I guess we’ll know soon.
May 8, 2008
Today was a happy day in our home. Kristofer asked Jesus to come into his heart! We are thrilled!
At church they did a great job teaching the crucifixion story at Easter time because Kristofer was able to come home and tell us all about. Since then we have taken every opportunity to talk to him about it.
Today we were looking at an Evagecube (A cube that as you open it in different directions it tells a story.) of the crucifixion and I asked Kristofer if he wanted to ask Jesus into his heart. He said yes and I led him in the sinner’s prayer. It was such a sweet moment.
May 7, 2008
Today we had an appointment to resign our medical documents with our primary care physician and a notary. We had to be at the doctor’s office between 11:30 and 12:30pm. The notary called at about 9:30 to say she could not meet. We scrambled and looked up a traveling notary on 123notary.com. I went down the list of names and saw someone I recognized from the mortgage business. She was able to meets us and the show moved on.
Getting these documents signed should not be stressful as they are all fill in the blank. However, having done a Russia adoption before we know if every “I” is not dotted and every “T” is not crossed the paperwork can get kicked back. I think I called KF about 5 times in an hour time period with little crazy questions.
After the signing was complete I was off to the Jefferson County clerk’s office to get the documents certified. Tomorrow I drive to Frankfort KY to get them apostilled.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Monday May 5, 2008
This morning was a flurry of phone calls trying to get paperwork updated and documents ready to hand carry with us to Russia. I was on the phone from 9am-1:20pm nonstop. Kristofer was such a trooper and did not bother me too much. He played quietly with his toys.
Every time I would get on the phone I told Kristofer to be really quiet because it was an important call. After several hours of this I told him I was working on paperwork because Mama and Papa were going to go and see his brothers in a few weeks. He said, “Mama, I want you to go get baby Allie.” I then had to explain that we could not get Allie because she is Keira’s sister. (Keira and Allie are my good friend Elizabeth’s girls.) It was a cute moment to end the flurry of the paper chase.
Today we had a yard sale to raise money for our travel expenses. God was so good to us!
Last night it rained and stormed so loud it kept waking Kelly and I up. We had a small pond in our backyard by the time it was done. We kept everything in the garage because we did not know how the weather was going to be during the sale.
This morning God kept the rain away and bought the people in. We were able to raise $432.85. This is more than double from the $200 we made last year! Definitely a God Moment!