The boys seem to be well attached to their caregivers. This is good because it means they should attach well to us once we get them home. They are not used to seeing men so Kelly scared them a bit. It was nap time when we went to see the oldests so he fell asleep on my shoulder.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Today we got to meet our boys. The oldest has dark hair with green/blue eyes. The younger is blonde hair with green/blue eyes. Both are developmentally delayed as expected, but do not seem to have any other difficulties. After intense medical review and physical tests the doctor sees both of them as good and ready to be adopted.
Meeting Igor for the first time.
Igor did not like the toy.
Meeting Sasha for the first time.
Dr. Lada trying to get Sasha to reach for the toy.
It appeared the boys did not like us right away. As soon as the caregivers walked into the room with them they started crying. However, neither orphanage had a play room for us to meet them. We met them in the medical room where they get their shots and medical care. I believe the boys were crying because they remember that room as being unpleasent. It really made it hard to assess how they interact with others.
The boys seem to be well attached to their caregivers. This is good because it means they should attach well to us once we get them home. They are not used to seeing men so Kelly scared them a bit. It was nap time when we went to see the oldests so he fell asleep on my shoulder.
We feel good about bringing these little ones home and can't wait for trip 2.
The boys seem to be well attached to their caregivers. This is good because it means they should attach well to us once we get them home. They are not used to seeing men so Kelly scared them a bit. It was nap time when we went to see the oldests so he fell asleep on my shoulder.
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Yahoo!!!!!!!!! Oh I am so excited. I can't wait to hear more.
All I could do was cry. I'm glad all is well. Can't wait to here more from you, and I hope you get to see more of them. I can't wait.
Mom K.
I am soo glad to hear they are healthy and that they are attached to their caregivers. Bring us pictures we want to see. I hope your trip home is much smother than your trip there.
I'm thrilled that you guys feel good about them. Such a blessing. I hope your trip#1 continues to go well.
I'm glad that you have met the boys and that you are excited about pursuing their adoption :)
Hope the rest of your trip goes well!
I want more details about the old, names???? I am excited for you!!!! Have a safe trip home.
Congratulations! We look forward to seeing them! Be careful coming home. Love, Laura and Jason
Kristofer can hardly wait to see pictures of his brothers. We have been talking with him about the color of their hair and eyes.
Mom and Dad Orr
I'm so excited for you! What a long journey, but so worth it.
I wonder if you are using the same Dr. Lada that we used in Orenburg. Does she work at the Children's hospital in Moscow? She is such a nice lady. She has a little boy about 3 years old too.
Take care,
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