Tuesday May 27, 2008Hello All,
Greeting from Frankfurt Germany. Yes, that is right. We have only made it to Germany. Our flight was delayed in Chicago because as they were pulling the plane into our gate they ran one of the engines into a baggage cart. Needless to say it was a big fiasco for them trying to locate a new plane for us. After a 2 hour delay they finally brought a new plane to a new gate. Then we got to sit on the plane at the gate for another 2 hours. Our connecting flight to Rostov left at 12pm so we missed the flight by 2 hours.

Once we arrived in Germany they booked us on a flight, leaving in the morning, to Vienna and then Rostov. We got to stand in line for 2 more hours to receive our hotel and meal vouchers. Needless to say, we don’t care if we EVER fly United/Lufthansa again.
On the bright side we are certainly happy we are not trying to travel with 2 children on this flight. United has also compensated 2 tickets for us so maybe we will be able to use them for one of our other trips.
Well, we are now off to dinner. We have had a little fruit cup and Danish many hours ago and are about to fall over.
Love to all!
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