Sunday, November 09, 2008

November 9, 2008

Posted by Anonymous on my Oct. 19th post:

“try staying a little more low key. these boys are clearly having issues with so much stuff going on. They are probably really FREAKED out from all of the activity and over stimulations.”

To Anonymous:

Not to worry, we are keeping things very low key for our guys. The pictures you are seeing are the few times we have ventured out. We have had a very strict and regimented time since our boys have come home about mid July.

I am a stay-at-home mom and for the most part we stay home. In the four months they have been home I have taken them to the zoo twice, the park twice and the grocery store a few times because we NEEDED things. As you can see I am keeping them home so they can feel safe and secure as much as possible. I am curious, what makes you think we are being too active and over stimulating them? If it is something we can improve on I’m all for it.

Since they are getting so much more comfortable and attached to us we are starting to take them out in public. It is in very small doses, but they do have to learn that there is more to life than the 4 walls of our home. We do watch their faces and respond to their stress. We hold and comfort them so they come to see us as their comfort and support.

We are also very careful about people getting in their space and holding them. It is not allowed and we tell people so. I am so amazed by people who get in a child’s space and when the child resists the adult just keeps on. PEOPLE take cues from kids! If they don’t like you touching them don’t force it!

I really do appreciate your concern though. There are so many families who do not take the time to let their children adjust before they send them off to daycare or the care of family members who are strangers. We are committed to our children’s bonding and attachment.

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