Saturday, November 01, 2008

October 16, 2008

This morning we had a good time trying costumes on. Well ok, Igor did not like it one bit!

Sasha had a great time practicing his Raaaaaaaaah (roar) Kristofer had thought him. He thought it was great.

Kristofer LOVED his hot wheels driver costume. He kept running around the house acting like he was a speed racer.

I tried the lion costume on Igor to see if he liked it any better. Nope. He kept asking for it to be taken off.

Oh yeah, CLEARLY it is naptime...No wait, that is normal for Sasha.

Today during nap time Kristofer had a great time playing board games with me. We had a picnic on the living room floor of chicken salad, cheese and crackers.

He decided at one point to try and say every gross word he could think of. This included pee, poop, toot etc (notice his gross knowledge is not very broad.) and then when I gave him “the look” he escalated it to saying, “Eat poop” which made our discussion turn into science.

My first instinct was to tell him to quit talking like that, but it would have only made it worse. Instead I explained what poop was…Food that you eat and has gone through your digestive track and then out… He did not try saying any more gross words and I could see the wheels in his head turning. Now this is the fun side of parenting.

1 comment:

junglemama said...

How cute they all looked!