Today was a good day. With the time change we got up at 5:50am and the kids were ready to go. It made the day seem like forever, but man I got a ton done. Floors swept, moped and vacuumed, Laundry sorted, kids fed, diapers changed, etc My house was in tip top shape.
I got Kristofer to preschool on time and with no tantrums. The one tantrum we had earlier in the morning was due to Kristofer not eating soon enough and I think his blood sugar dropped. I made him have a time in on the kitchen floor next to me and when he calmed down we were able to get to the root of the problem.
After preschool we met up with our friends Elizabeth, Keira and Ally at the park. We walked the walking trail and let the kids play for a bit on the playground. When we were walking the trial Keira got tired so we put Igor in the bottom basket and let her have his seat. He thought it was grand riding down there. Sasha was fascinated with Igor being down there too.
Then we went to a K-mart near us that is closing. No good deals there. Bummer…Kristofer had seen a suitcase that had Lightning McQueen on it and wanted it. I told him I would think about it, but I was not buying it now. When we were in the car he was freaking out that it would not be there when I went back to buy it. I told him, “You know what I do when I want something, but I have to wait to buy it? I pray to Jesus about it. I tell Him how much I want it and ask if it is ment for me to have it can it still be there for me to buy?” I asked Kristofer if he wanted to pray about it and he said yes. We prayed right there in K-mart parking lot. So cute. However when we left the parking lot he was still carrying on about it and cried, I think, for a solid 20 minutes. Mama was less then amused about that, but I got through it with much love and patience shown to my little guy. That is huge for me these days. I feel like my patience is non-existent. Sigh…I am determined to get better though.
When we got home and dressed the boys in their PJ’s and put them all to bed. Igor was not asleep an hour and woke up crying. I think he might be having tummy issues or something.He has been doing this at nap time too.
He ended up sleeping in my arms for about 40 minutes and then the movie I was watching had someone beating on a door. He woke up with a start and was NOT going back to sleep. It is ok though because we have had a grand time. I let him finish watching the movie with me (yes it was appropriate) and then he helped me with the laundry I was working on. It was so nice to have some special one on one time with him. He is simply adorable. I have fallen in love with him that much more tonight.
As I am writing this blog entry he is sitting on my lap and yes it is 10:42pm. If I can't get him to go back to sleep in his bed when I go than I think I’ll just take him to bed with us tonight. Poor little tigger.
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